The Possibility of Love (Poetry Project #2)

The possibilities are endless.

One could find an intelligent conversationalist

Or a tender lover with a soft caress;

Even a generous philanthropist.


One could find an intelligent conversationalist,

An athlete toned and taut.

Even a generous philanthropist,

But is that person what be they ought?


An athlete toned and taut,

They could very well be your match.

But is that person what be they ought?

Without love, our true selves can’t hatch.


They could very well be your match,

With self locked tight away.

Without love, our true selves can’t hatch

The key held tight by love run astray.


With self locked tight away,

Who can we truly be?

The key held tight by love run astray

Opens a world of possibility.

1 thought on “The Possibility of Love (Poetry Project #2)”

  1. I really like this poem! Great job! It’s one of those poems that a lot of people could connect to, but when I read it, it sounded like something that was written for me alone, if that makes sense. Great job!

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