Whirlwind (Poetry Project #1)

Bump. Set. Spike. Repeat.

I could hear the screams and cheers loud as gunshots in the crowd,

But my mind was hazy, like smoke from a forest fire.

Black spots danced before my ocean blue eyes,

Waltzing as if at a wedding dance.


Until then my life had been defined

By the skills I possessed on an all-or-nothing court.

I tossed my mane of hair and summoned the gazelle-intense will to focus.

Rocketing the game ball through the gym’s atmosphere,

I served it into the net’s gaping mouth.


The disappointment from my team hung on me like the heavy dew on morning grass,

And I struggled not to allow the dams in my eyes to break.

My body’s rock-hard resolve, however, broke.

My feet felt stuck in five-foot-high snow;

My breathing accelerated past the normal speed limit.


The shrill whistle like a pot chiming for tea sounded in my ear.

I was stripped from the court faster than a tornado flattens a town.

Dejected, my head bowed as a tree bows in the wind,

And the sense of the end loomed on my athletics horizon.

My bones shivered as if a part of me had been stolen in the dead of night.


The weariness afterward caught me in its warm embrace,

And the skin-pricking blood tests determined a low Vitamin D level.

At least, that was the makeup I used to cover the blemish of reality.

Truthfully, the cold, spindly fingers of depression caught me in their iron grasp,

And I was powerless to stop the whirlwind spiral of soul-searing despair.

5 thoughts on “Whirlwind (Poetry Project #1)”

  1. Wow – was looking for it to continue. Wanted more I guess. Did you cut it off? it was great, wanted more my talented girl. Please don’t stop sharing – pretend I am that craving public that want’s to turn you into a best seller. Ok, I am but you get the idea.

  2. The poem says it all, very moving. Writing is just one of your many talents. It helps to better understand what you have been through. I marvel at your strength and hope you continue having a positive influence wherever you go. Wishing things could have been different, but know that God has his own unique plan!

  3. As a fellow volleyball player I can really relate to your poem. I love the imagery your poem gives me. I especially liked the way you described the sound of the whistle!

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